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As we celebrated Tech23’s tenth anniversary, we looked back on some of the event’s alumni companies and how they’re tracking since listing on the stock exchange.

BuildingIQ (ASX:BIQ) commenced trading on the ASX in 2015 after a $20 million IPO. Its core technology was originally developed by CSIRO. The company is now headquartered in California. Founder Mike Zimmerman left BuildingIQ in 2013 and is now a Partner at Main Sequence Ventures. We were given an insight into the early vision of BuildingIQ at Tech23 2010. 

Maestrano (LNO:MNO) has expanded to the UK. The company began trading on the London Stock Exchange in May 2018, and has offices in the US, Singapore, Dubai and Australia. The company’s Co-founder and CTO, Arnaud Lachaume, presented at Tech23 2014.

ResApp (ASX:RAP) officially came onto the ASX in 2015, when it was acquired by Narhex Life Sciences, who then began trading under the ‘ResApp’ name. Based on technology from the University of Queensland, ResApp is working to diagnose the cause of your cough through your smartphone’s microphone. It’s moved a step closer to proving the effectiveness of its proprietary ResAppDx app, undertaking clinical studies in nearly 1,500 patients across three US hospitals. The company is Tech23 alumni from 2016.

Other Tech23 alumni companies listed on the ASX include: ReadCloud (ASX:RCL), Xped (ASX:XPE) and Covata (ASX:CVT)

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Silver Futures

Silver Futures

The team at Slatterys is very excited that driven by her passion for reimagining ageing, Rachel Slattery has launched the Silver Futures initiative, aimed at reshaping perceptions of later life and fostering innovation in ageing.

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